Pan-Antarctic Analysis Aggregating Spatial Estimates of Adélie Penguin Abundance Reveals Robust Dynamics Despite Stochastic Noise
Che-Castaldo, C., S. Jenouvrier, C. Youngflesh, K. Shoemaker, G. Humphries, P. McDowall, L. Landrum, M. Holland, Y. Li, R. Ji, H.J. Lynch. 2017. Nature Communications 8: 832.
Variation in the Ecstatic Display Call of the Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) Across Regional Geographic Scales
Lynch, M.A., and H.J. Lynch. 2017. Auk 134(4): 894-902.
The Importance of Topographically Correct Null Models for Analyzing Ecological Point Processes
McDowall, P., and H.J. Lynch. 2017. Ecology 98: 1764-1770.
Antarctica and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020
Chown, S.L., M.A. McGeoch, A. Terauds, C. Le Bohec, C. van Klaveren-Impagliazzo, J. Whittington, C. Brooks, S. Butchart, B.W.T Coetzee, B. Collen, P. Convey, K.J. Gaston, N. Gilbert, M. Gill, R. Höft, S. Johnston, M.C. Kennicutt II, H. Kriesell, Y. Le Maho, H.J. Lynch, M. Palomares, R. Puig-Marcó, P. Stoett. 2017. PLoS Biology 15(3): e2001656.
Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics (MAPPPD): Data and Tools for Dynamic Management and Decision Support
Humphries G.R.W., C. Che-Castaldo, R. Naveen, M. Schwaller, P. McDowall, M Schrimpf, H.J. Lynch. 2017. Polar Record 53(2): 160-166.
Listing Foreign Species Under the Endangered Species Act: A Primer for Conservation Biologists?
Foley, C., M. Lynch, L. H. Thorne, and H.J. Lynch. 2017. BioScience 67(7): 627-637.
Circumpolar Analysis of the Adélie Penguin Reveals the Importance of Environmental Variability in Phenological Mismatch
Youngflesh, C., S. Jenouvrier, Y. Li, R. Ji, D. G. Ainley, G. Ballard, C. Barbraud, K. Delord, K. M. Dugger, L. M. Emmerson, W. R. Fraser, J. T. Hinke, P. O’B. Lyver, S. Olmastroni, C. J. Southwell, S. G. Trivelpiece, W. Z. Trivelpiece, H. J. Lynch. 2017. Ecology 98(4): 940-951.
Ultra-Fine Spatially-Integrated Mapping of Habitat and Occupancy Using Structure-from-Motion
McDowall, P., and H.J. Lynch. 2017. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0166773.