Survivorship Patterns in Captive Mammalian Populations: Implications for Estimating Population Growth Rates
Lynch, H.J., S. Zeigler, L. Wells, J.D. Ballou, W.F. Fagan. 2010. Ecological Applications 20(8): 2334-2345.
Spatial Patterns of Tour Ship Traffic in the Antarctic Peninsula Region
Lynch, H.J., K. Crosbie, W.F. Fagan, R. Naveen. 2010. Antarctic Science 22(2): 123-130.
Population Trends and Reproductive Success at a Frequently Visited Penguin Colony on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Lynch, H.J., W.F. Fagan, and R. Naveen. 2010. Polar Biology 33(4): 493-503.
Effects of Branching Spatial Structure and Life History on the Asymptotic Growth Rate of a Population
Goldberg, E., H.J. Lynch, M. Neubert, W.F. Fagan. 2010. Theoretical Ecology 3(3): 137-152.
Pitfalls and Challenges of Estimating Population Growth Rate From Empirical Data: Consequences for Allometric Scaling Relations
Fagan, W.F., H.J. Lynch, and B. Noon. 2010. Oikos 119(3): 455-464.